A healthy body functions at its peak and endures the stresses of daily life. Here are eight tips for a healthy life.
Never skip breakfast
The human brain and body can only function well when there’s fuel. Running on an empty stomach is no different from starting the car without gasoline. Hence, break the overnight fast and take the needed calories and glucose to maintain optimum brain function and provide the required energy to complete the day’s work.
Rehydrate, rehydrate, rehydrate
Prevent poor body function because of dehydration. A dehydrated body causes muscle fatigue and reduces coordination. Without water for sweating, the body cannot cool itself and heat strokes can occur. Therefore, always drink water when engaged in strenuous physical activities. Easily determine your need for hydration by looking at your urine. Dark yellow urine, an indicator of dehydration, signals the need to quickly replenish your body’s H20 reserves.
Sleep more, sleep well
Sleep deficiency damages the brain. Enough quality sleep protects mental health and improves the quality of life. Sleep prepares the brain for the next day and keeps it functioning well. It also plays a role in the healing and repairing of bodily tissues and organs. Because of these, enough sleep allows for more productive work, faster reaction times and fewer mistakes.
Eat veggies and fruits
Eating vegetables and fruits reduce the risk of chronic diseases. These kinds of food have the highest vitamin and mineral content. These are vital for maintaining the health and well-being of the body. Aside from having lower calories per cup, veggies are rich in dietary fiber, which is important for proper bowel movement. Fiber in fruits also reduces blood cholesterol and lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease. Fruits and veggies provide a healthy feeling of fullness for weight-conscious individuals.
Walk the extra mile
Walking is the easiest exercise to stay physically fit. It can be done anytime and anywhere. It is safe for people of all ages and does not require special gym equipment. Walking improves respiratory efficiency, increases energy and aids in weight loss. It strengthens muscles of the lower extremities and reduces joint stiffness. Furthermore, it can kiss arthritis goodbye. Can you believe that?
Laugh out Loud (LOL)
Laughter makes you feel better and prepares you for more work. It tunes your mood and relaxes the body. Furthermore, it boosts the immune system by increasing the production of antibodies. It also releases endorphin's, the natural pain killer, to temporarily relieve pain and discomfort.
Blow away the smoke
Quit smoking and reduce the risk of having a serious disease. Stopping smoking helps you breathe easier as bronchial tubes relax and energy levels rise. It also cuts the risk of lung cancer by as much as half when compared with a chain smoker.
Say a prayer
Prayer strengthens your relationship with God and provides a better sense of well-being. Your friendship with the heavenly Father becomes stronger as you express your thoughts, concerns and feelings to him through prayer. When your spiritual needs are fulfilled, you will experience a higher sense of satisfaction.
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