Sunday, October 19, 2014

6 Tips on how to have a healthy outlook on life

When I think about what makes a person healthy, I think about Mind, Body, Spirit. Those three things make up who we are as human beings. That IS the Essence of who we are. In order to be healthy we then have to look for activities that will strengthen and challenge as well as nurture those areas. These are not in any particular order of importance.

1. Get physically healthy. It is hard to work on other areas in your life if you are weighed down with the unhappiness of being unhealthy. Now that does NOT have a certain weight number tied to it or a certain body shape tied to it. It is just plain being healthy for YOU!

2. Love and accept who we are RIGHT NOW! So many times, especially as women, we think about how we would like to look more like so and so, or have a job like this other lady. STOP! You can’t function at the top of YOUR game if your are trying to be in or play someone else’s game.

3. Stop allowing others to effect how we act and how we feel. So many times you might hear; “I was having a great day until ______ ruined it!” I think this might be one of the hardest things to accomplish, and yet it is so important. We cannot allow others to effect who we are as a person. We can only control one thing, ourselves. That is it.

4. Don’t make assumptions. We need to be present in THIS moment. Things that have happened in our past effect how we see our present as well as our future. Don’t allow yourself to assume that you know what the other person really meant. That is over thinking and often times wrong.

5. Be Positive. Look for the good in people as well as situations. This doesn’t mean to be irresponsible for your safety. When your outlook is more positive and uplifting, then so are you.

6. Be thankful for what you have. Plan for the future, as well as enjoy the blessings and gifts that you have right NOW. Don’t miss out on all that you have been given by focusing only about what you are trying to accomplish. Celebrate NOW.


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