Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Foods that Fight Heartburn

The secret to fighting heartburn is a diet high in fiber, low in acid, and low in fat. Acidic and fatty foods like tomatoes or beef are a common culprit for heart burn. That meatball sub is definitely a poor choice.  So what are some quality foods that fight heartburn?

Oatmeal: Low fat and high fiber – you’re off to a good start! Begin the day with oatmeal and top it off with fruit for extra fiber if you’re feeling adventurous.

Foods that fight heartburn
Image courtesy of Dream Research Group
Bananas: Bananas have a natural antacid built right in.  By coating your stomach with mucus, bananas qualm the acid that causes heartburn. Bananas have also been shown to reduce the amount of bad bacteria in your stomach that harms your stomach lining.

All kinds of beans: I believe that beans are a super food. They are high in fiber, protein, B vitamins, calcium, potassium and folate. They have also been shown to regulate blood sugar. Beans are so versatile you can easily incorporate them into almost any dish!

Ginger: Ginger is one of the oldest remedies around for stomach related problems. Add ginger into a cup of tee or season your favorite dish. Try juicing ginger into apple juice or applesauce.

Parsley: Like ginger parsley has been used to calm stomachs for centuries. This herb contains amino acids with anti-inflammatory properties and neutralizes the harmful acids in your stomach.

If you try adding any of these foods into your diet please comment below! Do you know of more foods that fight heartburn? Add in a comment below!


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